The Applied Digital Learning program has been instrumental for me to develop a better perspective and approach to change. Change will typically cause some sort of anxiety. At times, one is already programmed to just reject or deny it without giving it any consideration. This behavior is primarily due to the lack of motivation or not having the opportunity to learn more about the process. Some feel insecure about their skills, others cannot handle the pressure, while some even consider not having sufficient resources as a hindrance. But I have discovered a more sustainable approach to change as I started developing my Innovation Plan. With the research I gathered for my Literature Review, and having to summarize my rationale (My WHY, how and what), change now to me is more of an opportunity for growth and advancement, and so I am able to embrace it, and more so advocate for it.
Moving forward with my Blended Learning Innovation Proposal, my goal is by the end of school year 2021-2022, at least one class per grade level from PreK-2nd grade has implemented blended learning. I have also identified three vital behaviors that need to be changed to realize our goal. It will be supported and implemented by our team of influencers including the administrators, campus instructional coaches, media specialist, blended learning teachers, and myself.
As for any action plan, advocating change involves getting the team fully on board. This is our first step in reaching our goal. The key domains are motivation and ability, which is broken into 3 categories including personal, social and structural. Personal motivation and ability pertain to an individual’s motives and values, which in turn affect their choices. The social category factors in how other people can affect someone’s behavioral choice. Structural domain includes financial gain, modifying the environment or providing resources to use. Ideally utilizing at least four sources can have an impact, but the more sources of influence, the better chances to meet the desired goal and sustain it. I have identified key sources of influence that can support the organizational change in our campus.
Just like any form of change, there will be a period of transition, times of uncertainty, moments of setbacks and challenges, but there are far more exciting milestones to look forward to. This whole process will test our endurance, resilience and how great our growth mindset is. It’s a work in progress but taking one step at a time means one step closer to our goal.
Grenny, J., Patterson, K., Maxfield, D., McMillan, R., & Switzler, A. (2013). Influencer: The new science of leading change. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
(n.d.). 10x Your Influence – VitalSmarts. Retrieved October 29, 2017, from