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NASET (National Association of Special Education Teachers) Facebook Special Education Teachers Group


  • This learning community is my go-to support group from the time I was just beginning to teach Special Education in this country. Being educated and trained from a foreign place, this organization has guided me as I build my own niche into providing quality special education here. The regular newsletters, and now the Facebook page keep me abreast with current issues affecting Special Ed. I have also attended several conferences they recommended whereby I met a number of wonderful colleagues who continue to inspire me until today. I love hearing stories from their respective classrooms, what works, what fails, what’s challenging, and just anything happening in the realm of different special education classrooms all over the country. It makes me feel grounded and real as I navigate the unending changes, turns and twists in this profession.


Philippine-American Association of St. Thomas- St. John USVI/ Mga Dakilang Guro ng USVI (Private Group)


  • Deciding to be an international teacher was definitely the biggest leap of faith moment I have done by far. Through the support and collaboration with other international educators based in the Caribbean, I was able to feel that “I belong.” We learned adjustment strategies as a team, got culture-shocked together, and made it through successfully. We are now based in different parts of the states, but we continue to support each other especially during the pandemic. The plight we shared when we were starting remains to be a constant reminder that leaning on each other will always help us pull through with our daily challenges as a teacher.


Bitmoji Craze for Educators


PK-1 Bitmoji Theme Rooms


  • I joined this group during the unprecedented pandemic and we had to switch to virtual learning. These 2 amazing Facebook groups focused on creating and using Bitmoji which was the trending theme for at-home learning. It was filled with endless contributions shared by teachers from all parts of the world. Members shared not only bitmoji ideas, but the collaboration now includes sharing other digital and technology-based information (strategies, activities, teaching models, assessments, etc.) It has grown to be a fun-filled more casual learning community.


ADL 5302/5304 Leading Organizational Change Facebook Group


Group Me Lamar Group


  • As I started the ADL program in Lamar, one of the most recommended survival tips of our professors is to collaborate and join/create a core group of peers. Belonging to these 2 learning networks especially our GroupMe chat has allowed me to fully understand the program, its requirements, and at the end of the day, my now new-found friends have become my source of inspiration and clarity. We are each other’s cheerleader, motivator, assignment reviewer/editor/critique/adviser. I may still be experiencing some challenges here and there but belonging in this group keeps me surviving week after week.

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