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Innovation Proposal Letter

For:                Mr. Oscar Nandayapa

                        School Principal

                        F.P. Caillet Elementary School


From:            Ms. Vickey Flores-Espejo

                        Kindergarten General Education Teacher


Dear Mr. Nandayapa:


The last two school years have proven our resiliency as Caillet tigers. We delivered instructional services to our students in spite of the unprecedented circumstances we were in. The unwavering support from the school has made a significant impact on our students and their families. With modified educational settings, strategies, instructional services and materials, there was minimal disruption with student learning. As Sefriani, Sepriana, Wijaya, Radyuli, and Menrisal (2021) shared “the availability of various learning management system and platforms has greatly helped educators in developing and combining the application of learning models.”


But in as much as we wanted to keep everything similar and aligned with in-person instruction, some activities and lessons had to be amended to make it suitable for at-home learning. The Early Childhood program recommends each classroom to have 7 learning environments to meet the recommended outcomes and expectations. This includes the Construction Center, Library Center, ABC Center, Writer’s Corner, Pretend and Learn Center, Creativity Station, and the Math and Science Center. In the classroom, the students physically move to every assigned area equipped with hands-on materials to explore, create and be engaged with supplemental and enrichment activities. During the school closure and while on distance learning, it was a challenge to have Center Time since manipulatives were not readily available to every student at home. Likewise, when in-person instruction resumed, and the COVID restrictions were still in place, the routine and procedures of center time were immensely affected. These changes affected the allotted time students could have used for exploration and learning. As a result, students did not demonstrate the same level of motivation, attention and engagement. Before, center time was a preferred and exciting activity for students, now they lack the motivation and engagement to participate. With this low interest and attention, learning is not maximized.


In response to this challenge and to revive student interest and motivation, I am proposing a blended learning, station or individual rotation center time. Sefriani, Sepriana, Wijaya, Radyuli, & Menrisal (2021) pointed out that with the rapid increase in communication and data, innovation has changed the model and design of learning in the world of education. They concluded that the right learning model in this pandemic is blended-learning. I would like to develop an alternative digital setting where any student using their respective iPads will have the option to participate and be engaged in a given learning center utilizing online programs. The digital setting will enable the students to still have the same learning experience similar to being in a designated physical space for centers, but this time in a virtual learning environment/platform. This way students will have access to the centers even when they are on their seats in class or at home. This alternative learning center set-up will enable students to have an option to participate with during center time while attending in-person instruction or distance learning This is supported by Macaruso, Wilkes & Prescott’s (2020) research article stating that with blended learning, students have the flexibility in accessing digital tools at various locations and times. They also noted that teachers can utilize online activities to adapt their instruction to meet individual students’ needs, including those at-risk for academic failure. It allows the teacher more time to provide assistance or instruction by way of online feedback and correction. In general, students have more opportunity to explore, discover and learn new skills or refine existing skills, while the teacher is there for support and guidance. This supports the program’s goal to create opportunities for interaction and self-discovery.


This proposal also aims to encourage students to develop choice and ownership of learning. Studies show that when children as young as 4 are given the opportunity to be active participants of their learning, they become more determined to succeed in school. In addition, according to Chan, Graham-Day, Ressa, Peters & Konrad (2014), student ownership can be an effective and practical way to support all students in meeting academic and behavioral goals.


The plan is for the digital learning centers to be created and be pilot tested for SY 2021-2022. Initially, the first 3 digital centers will be implemented by the Fall semester.  Then the other 4 centers can be introduced throughout the school year. During its implementation, the students will either transition to the traditional learning center or stay in their assigned seat to use the iPad that has been installed with district-provided online platforms like Seesaw, Khan Academy, or Starfall. The students will all be provided with supplemental instruction and enrichment activities aligned to each one of the 7 learning centers.


For this program, I am respectfully seeking your support as my Kindergarten class and another early childhood class will start implementing at least 3 digital learning centers in our class. As part of the transition, the teachers along with the instructional coaches and administrators will collaborate to design each digital learning center. During the planning stage, instructional activities aligned with grade and age-level expectations will be created. When school opens, every student’s iPad will already have district-provided educational programs and software installed. Throughout the school year, the district’s technology department will maintain and keep programs/software up to date. We will commence our blended learning center time providing numerous demonstrations and modeling as we guide the students with the process and routine.


I am very optimistic that this innovative plan can restore the interest and motivation of our students with center time. I cannot wait to share with you and the rest of the school about this exciting plan. Please let me know if you may need any other additional information or if we can discuss the plans in detail.  Thank you very much.



Vickey Flores-Espejo

Kindergarten General Education Teacher



Chan, P., Graham-Day, K. J., Ressa, V. A., Peters, M. T., & Konrad, M. (2014). Beyond  involvement: Promoting student ownership of

                learning in the classroom. Intervention in  School and Clinic; 50(2):105 113.



Macaruso, P., Wilkes, S., & Prescott, J. E. (2020). An investigation of blended learning to support reading instruction in elementary

               schools. Educational Technology Research and Development ; Volume 68, Issue 6, Page 2839-2852 ; ISSN 1042-1629 1556-



Sefriani, R., Sepriana, R., Wijaya, I., Radyuli, P., & Menrisal. (2021). Blended learning with Edmodo: The effectiveness of statistical

               learning during the COVID-19  pandemic. International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education, 10(1), 293–299.


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