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growth mindset

Even Merriam Webster defines MINDSET as a” fixed state of mind,” emphasis on the operative word “fixed.” From the 1900s when psychologists first started using the concept in relation to cognition, it has evolved to become the most common yet important concept in our society. In 2012, Carol Dweck placed individuals in a continuum according to their implicit views of. She added that anyone can either have a growth mindset or a fixed mindset. These opposing dispositions directly affect one’s behavior specifically towards adversity or failure. Based on her study, the ideal is for one to have a growth mindset, rather than a fixed one. The former will likely continue working hard despite setbacks, the latter are those who dread failure because they see it as never being able to succeed in the future. Individuals with a growth mindset believe that they can acquire any given ability provided they invest effort or study. As a result, they live a less stressful and more successful life. Individuals with a fixed mindset believe their basic abilities, their intelligence, their talents, are just fixed traits. They interpret failure as the lack of necessary basic abilities making them less motivated to keep trying, and some end up living sad miserable lives.

At this time and age, having a growth mindset is synonymous to survival. As most of us have struggled yet continue to endure the demands of our society, we have demonstrated significant extent of hard work, perseverance, resilience, and optimism. This is the simple definition of a growth mindset. It is important to remain hopeful in spite of setbacks, to keep trying in spite of feeling defeated, and to face obstacle after obstacle with still a brave heart and high spirit. Having a growth mindset is important because it builds your endurance to keep going when the going gets tough. You become confident and proud of every success, that you celebrate even the smallest simplest achievement. One will also have the strength to accept failure as a sign of growth, and feedback as a way to learn.

Another message to remind yourself, model to your students, and if possible, share with everyone around you is the power of adding “YET” in our daily tasks. It is reassuring us that timing is everything. Some tasks or goals may be taking us longer to achieve, accomplish or acquire, but with perseverance and patience, it will happen. While in the process of learning new skills or tackling a challenging assignment, I constantly remind my students to focus on every step to get to their goal. We discover different ways to solve a problem, they are allowed to make mistakes, and document every trial to learn from it. We sing songs of encouragement, we take frequent breaks to refocus and breathe. We have inspirational posters decorated in our room to remind them how talented and capable each of them is. I always try to integrate social stories or videos to capture their understanding of what it’s like to persevere, to be resilient and to be hopeful. Parents and other caregivers are also given resources to use at home so both settings (home and school) can be consistent with supporting our goal of developing a growth mindset in our children. Our  favorite is our Morning Welcome and Dismissal Sendoff affirmation routines (e.g. “You are great! You are talented! You were excellent today! You did exceptional today! “). To end the routines, together we recite our class motto, “In Kindergarten, we are KIND, HELPFUL and



Self- reflection is one constant opportunity I continue to experience while I progress through the ADL program. When I started developing my Innovation Proposal last semester, it was all theoretical, creating in my mind an ideal setting for our 21st century learners. My thoughts and actions were purely dependent on meeting course expectations and not focused on essentially implementing such an exciting plan. At some point I asked myself why I was limiting the possibility of really doing the project. I somewhat confronted my own predicament. As much as I believe in this innovation project, I did not completely trust myself and my capacity to make it happen. I was doubting my abilities and the fear of failing was consuming me to move forward with the plan. This program has not only equipped me with knowledge and skills to use technology as a driving force for change, it has also made me more aware of my evolving role as an educator, more so as a learner and innovator. One of the biggest “Aha!” moment for me was discovering the wonders of having a growth mindset in life. Now I am learning to embrace change, cultivating a better and more positive outlook in life and looking forward to advocating change to improve the learning community, and even my personal life. 



Developing a growth mindset with Carol Dweck. (2014).


Dweck, C. (2020, December 2). Carol Dweck revisits the “growth mindset” (opinion)   growth-mindset.html


Jeffrey,S. (2020, June 23).Change your fixed mindset into a growth mindset. (complete guide).


mindset. 2021. in

       retrieved September 8, 2021, from


Ormie" by Arc Productions Disney Favorite. (2013).


Soma, D. Growth Mindset Animated Lesson (2019)






Mulford, A.


Ravian, A. (2019) Fixed vs. Growth Mindset — beliefs that shape your life.  

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