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" And that's a wrap!" (5318 & 5320 Contribution to my Learning & the Learning Community)

As I write this final contribution post, an overwhelming flashback of memories fills me in that I can barely compose a sentence without a shy giggle or a little tear. As I conclude my ADL journey, I am leaving it with a very happy ending. I feel accomplished not with the degree title alone, but I was also fortunate to have shared the adventure with some of the most hardworking and passionate educators I have ever known. Back in May of 2021, I took a leap of faith and challenged myself to try something new. Eager but worried, I was placed in a class of similar dispositions, where we found comfort in each other’s strength and encouragement. From day 1 until today, we have kept the same core group, added several more with every course, and on commencement day, we shall march together in person, some still virtually.

I can not only mention a couple few for this final post, instead I should acknowledge these individuals who have been instrumental for me to complete every single assignment. They were my constants, my relentless collaborators, my honest advisers, kind critiques, and loyal cheerleaders. Sabine, Misma, Gauri, Claudia, Tamara, Nadin, Nelly, Melissa, Daniela, and Kathryn are some of the members in our GroupMe network who have kept me abreast not only with requirement details, but they too generously share resources and information that are relevant to an assignment or to our profession in general. We are each other’s daily reminder and planner, that we comply with all requirements in a timely manner. The communication is consistent, the back and forth collaboration evidently provided support when we needed it the most. Personally, I always check on them for clarifications, share my assignments prior to submission, and likewise offer any suggestions I may have. We have established a respectful and supportive learning community that all opinions are welcome, every input count, and everyone’s contribution is valuabl

Another channel for collaboration which I found myself surprisingly involved with is contributing to the discussion posts. All the courses in the program have encouraged us to partake in these discussions as it gives us the opportunity to extend our community. For these last two courses, being able to share our work for feedforward has allowed me to improve my work. I also enjoy reading others’ posts and learning about their insights. It is always inspiring to learn from peers who may have a different opinion from you but nonetheless makes you appreciate the true essence of diversity. Every post I share and with every response I give, I always reflect on how it can impact the reader. And that is one important lesson I have learned throughout this amazing endeavor, learning becomes monumental when you can use it to spark change and ripple a positive impact to many. Down to my concluding statement, a part of me is starting to feel that sepanx (separation anxiety), never thought I may end up missing it. But I know that the ending of one only means the beginning of another. So on to the next!

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