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Peer Review Reflection

The ADL program has always encouraged us to work and collaborate with our peers as we pursue each course. I have found it as an important element that makes the journey of being a student again more worthwhile and fun. Together we reinvent our goals as educators, supporting each other’s mission to advocate for change through our respective innovation plans.

This semester has given us the opportunity to work more closely with a small core group to create a media project and seek each other’s feedforward on our publication articles. I was fortunate to have joined a team of hardworking and committed individuals. Nadin Noman, Claudia Rios and Tamara Alzghoul were my support team, my cheerleaders, and fair critiques. Together, we brainstormed ideas, discussed plans and made a wonderful podcast with Dr. Harapnuik as guest resource panelist. Apart from the experience of producing our first podcast, we also held several meetings to pitch our topics, concepts and outline for our respective publication articles. Sharing a common theme (blended learning), we were able to contribute relevant resources and information that can support our articles. When we have finished developing our outlines and prior to submission, we were given the opportunity to request for our team to peer-review it first. As a result, considering their honest and constructive comments and suggestions, I was able to improve the overall content and organization of my publication outline. I am very grateful that my teammates took the time to read and review my outline, it has truly made a difference with my work. As I continue to pursue and almost finish the ADL program, I plan to keep the learning networks I have been blessed to be part of and look forward to more collaborations to enhance and enjoy this learning adventure.

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