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The COVA approach has definitely opened my eyes to a lot of realizations. Coming from a background where everything is literally and figuratively “old school,” I have a lot of discoveries, and “AHA” moments but I do also have a lot of regrets and questions. Moving forward, the COVA approach has given me the opportunity to learn new strategies as a teacher and a student too. Likewise there are some old habits that I need to unlearn and change, and change is the biggest takeaway from the COVA approach. As I keep on with the ADL program, I will remain open minded for new discoveries and will keep a spacious room for improvement. At present, I continue to utilize COVA with creating my ePortfolio. CHOICE for the overall theme, layout and presentation. OWNERSHIP for every content I add to each page. VOICE is mostly seen with blogs, as I express and share my viewpoint on each topic discussed in the class. AUTHENTIC learning is manifested with everything on my ePortfolio. Navigating on unchartered waters is still challenging for me. I am new to Digital Learning and Leading, and although I have utilized technology for teaching and studying, it was not to the extent of integrating it a very engaging and interactive approach, like COVA. I am learning something new every day and the best part of it is I get to apply and share it with my students right away.

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