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"Challenge Accepted"

Updated: Aug 29, 2021

(This was my very first time to participate in our EDLD 5303 discussion board. The discussion topic “ePortfolio- Getting Started,” served as our introduction to the fundamentals of ePortfolios. After going through the readings and videos, and while trying to compose my thoughts, I came across another peer’s post “Accepting the Challenge.” This post caught my attention as I can clearly relate to it. So instead of creating my own thread, I decided to respond to his thread. I must say reacting to someone else's post and sharing my own thoughts was fun.)

Happy Weekend. If you are like me who never runs out of chores and errands to keep weekends busy, and if you’re also just like me that it’s her first semester with this program, don’t fret, we got this! Oh, did I mention, tomorrow is my birthday! But thanks to this post, I feel like I can also take another challenge, knowing that I may struggle here and there, but I know there is a lot to learn from the process and if I can keep the optimism afloat…I will survive

Nelly and Brian, your eportfolios are awesome. You guys inspire us. Hopefully with Dr. Bedard and everyone else’s support and guidance, we can create our own eportfolios and make it useful not only during this course or program but have our students benefit from it as well. I also viewed the sample eportfolios from the article "Getting Started Tips" and honestly it looks quite challenging, but definitely doable.

During last year’s school closure and my Early Childhood Special Ed. Class had to go virtual, and our district was having students access several online platforms, it was the parents/guardians who were more overwhelmed with how they can assist their children at home. To support them with the distance learning, I consolidated all the resources using the free create your own website with Wix. This was created way before our district was able to offer a standard student portal. It was my first time to make one and I know it was missing so much information and needed some more polishing so hopefully after this course I can improve it. I am also looking forward to creating eportfolio that will document how I plan to implement a blended learning environment in my class as part of my Innovation Plan for the 5305 course. I will share the link and would love to hear some feedback.

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