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Change Behavior

I had to watch Dr. Cross’s video twice because it seems like it was directly talking me. She made several honest and hard to hear statements that led me to say…” Exactly!” “I think so too!” “Why didn’t I think of that?” She was so right to say that our greatest challenge is not that change is hard, rather, our greatest adversary is common sense. But I also often hear that common sense is not common any more? Does that mean change all the more becomes possible? We have to replace that perception that all we need is common sense to promote change, rather, use the principles of sociology and social science as the “magic” as Dr. Cross would describe it realize that change. Detach from your self-regarding attitude and extend to what others have to say, how they feel, why they do certain things, find time to consider their beliefs and culture. With this, change is possible, change can happen, and it will be meaningful and lasting. This is one key component I have learned and will apply as I continue to develop my innovation project. I need to know the target audience for my change strategy. I have to fully understand their principles, values, ideas and feelings that can influence their behavior towards the proposal. Hopefully as a team, we can bring about the social change to support the project.

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