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Feeling the urgency to change? Start with some POWERFUL WORDS!

Updated: Aug 29, 2021

This is probably my favorite discussion topic so far. The message of both videos is very simple and straightforward. Just like any advertisement or any form of persuasive writing, there’s always that opening remark or punchline that is intended to capture your audience’s attention. Typically presented short and catchy but full of emotions, it can either convey your desired message or be misinterpreted. As the BSGuys emphasized, if you’re out to convince or motivate others of your message, giving them TMI (too much information) will not entice them, instead you will most likely lose their interest. As I start planning the content of my video message, I keep reminding myself that the first few words or lines, and visuals should relay the envisioned message. but not also discount their prior perception or beliefs. It should just give them another perspective on the topic and be open for an impartial discussion. As for me, I am carefully preparing my digital story, reviewing the materials and choosing the words with so much thought and heart to it.

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