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It was a TEAM Effort! Contributions to my Learning and the Community

Updated: Aug 29, 2021

The last 7 weeks went by so fast, but was surely filled with so many challenges, realizations and most especially a ton of learning. A different approach to teaching and learning, to exploring a very unfamiliar area of study, I took a leap of faith and I can say that I just achieved another milestone! I stumbled here and there, struggled several occasions, but I must say, I have accomplished so much more than I expected.

Being enrolled in the accelerated Applied Digital Learning program, and this being my first semester, I read, and reread all the information for each course. I was quite intimidated that I have no prior background whatsoever, so I made sure that as I got my hand on our first reading assignment “Blended” by Horn and Staker (2014), I took down notes, highlighted some main points and reviewed some more key concepts. After reading it, I got a better idea of what COVA (Choice, Ownership, and Voice Through Authentic Learning) was all about and what the program has to offer. My first realization, I can do this and most importantly I can learn so many ways to better myself in this profession.

This experience has also given me the opportunity to meet new wonderful individuals who have made the whole process of rediscovering my student self even more exciting. We are part of an engaging discussion board where we get to tell and share our thoughts, assignments, and suggestions. This platform was like our support go-to. I enjoyed going through the weekly assigned readings and videos, then writing my own discussion/blog post. But I always look forward to reading and sharing comments with each other. I like that I am able to reflect on each topic and respond or relate to another post. I also received helpful feedforward suggestions from my peers with the assignments. It has guided me to improve my work and better understand the requirements. I in turn was able to view their work, provide some recommendations, answer questions or concerns if they have any, and also get some inspiration for future tasks.

Working more closely with a small group through “Group Me” has enabled me to communicate and build a more personal learning environment. Terri Britten and I first started the group, then it grew with more peers, including Sabine M., Melissa C., Gauri M., Nadin N., Amy W., and Ashley B. Most of us are enrolled in both ELD 5303 and 5305, so we will collaborate for both courses. With this messaging application, I was able to share reminders, meeting notes and other information with them. Gauri and I met through Zoom when we were beginning to develop our eportfolio. It was a productive time to learn and guide each other through the process. I also prepared and shared a document to summarize the weekly assignments. On a regular basis we discuss assignments and give each other recommendations. I love how we support and encourage each other. As a question or concern is posted, we always try to provide answers. This has been a great outlet to just express how we feel and give or receive encouragement. I am also part of the Facebook group page, another avenue to share information, ask or address questions/concerns. I have actively participated with the discussion board, and the 2 other communication forums. The team work we have established, everyone’s contributions have been instrumental for all of us to be able to comply with all the required assignments. Second realization, learning is more fun when it’s shared and collaborative.

When I decided to enroll in this program, I was planning to just take one course to start with. I was thinking it might be too overwhelming, but with the guidance of Dr. Harapnuik who graciously responded to my email, and the university’s academic counselor and coordinator, I moved forward with the two courses, and I am so happy I listened to their advice. The lessons, readings and assignments of EDLD 5305 and 5303 are complimenting. The eportfolio requirement in 5303 was the best place to organize the assignments in 5305. I am able to apply what I have learned from 5305 in developing my eportfolio which I now enjoy doing. I never imagined I would have my own website/eportfolio, so now that I have it, I am looking forward to adding more content, connecting with peers, and discovering new things. As I sit here and write this post, I reflect on how much I have learned in such a short span of time. Third realization, learning is definitely a lifelong journey. This adventure ride is just about to pass its first station, on to the next!

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