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Learning from Examples (ePortfolio Reviews)

Updated: Aug 29, 2021

I have always been a visual learner. I will read references, text information or listen to discussions but I understand more if I am able to see and view an actual resource. As I began with this program, I have always referred to several eportfolios of previous students to know the expectations from each assignment, especially since this is my first semester, and the program is very different from my background. I have looked at several examples and it has guided me with how I can start creating my own eportfolio. Going through each website and looking at each content makes you feel like you actually know the owner, it somehow mirrors their personality, and I think that’s how an eportoflio should be. It inspires me to have a meaningful eportfolio that will not only serve as compliance to this course, but more so, I intend to keep and maintain it as a live document to reflect my constant and lifelong journey to teaching and learning. I will continue to visit all the eportfolios shared throughout this course and will definitely pick a thing or two to learn from to improve my own site

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