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Updated: Aug 29, 2021

Applied Digital Learning Program (ADL) was not really my first choice when I decided to go back to graduate school. I had to do countless inquiries, even emailed Dr. Harapnuik to explain to me the program details. He was very accommodating and answered every uncertainty I had. It didn’t take long before I finally made the decision to enroll and just like anything in life, took the leap of faith.

Going on our 3rd week, and reading more about CSLE + COVA, I must say that yes everything still seems new and unfamiliar to me, and honestly, I am still filled with some doubts, but in spite of this, I know I am LEARNING! As an educator, I can rate my learning process as something promising and indicates a lot of potential.

Creating and having my ePortfolio is one example that I am able to learn more about COVA, more so, apply it as I go through the process of developing it. So, who owns the ePortfolio? Is my ePortfolio mine? YES, it is! And I am saying this with so much confidence.

We are given several resources to understand each lesson and topic. Articles, videos, readings and all other information are provided and recommended, none of it are strictly mandatory. I choose what I can relate to, and all the time one statement, or a phrase will catch my attention. For instance with this discussion, from Dr. H’s article as he cites that (Barrett, 2005; Hopper & Standford, 2007; Lindren & McDaniel, 2012; Atwell, 2013; Buchem, Tur & Holterhof, 2014) “ students are doing the work, more often than not they do not own the ideas and are not making meaningful connections, they are simply completing assignments and giving the instructor what they want.” As I reflect on this, I felt my confidence slowly dropping. So, do I still own my eportfolio? How can I claim ownership of my ePortfolio if I am simply complying based on the course syllabi? I had to contemplate, and my best bet, only I have the answers.

I am the owner of my eportfolio. It is all about me, it is a reflection of myself, an inside look of my life as a learner. I have complete control of its content, design, and even the intention of creating it in the first place. I am the only person who can dictate the directionality of my ePortfolio, I know who my intended audience is, I alone is my ePortfolio’s administrator.

Claiming ownership of my eportfolio makes me a (pro)active learner. It is important to own it because it equates to being accountable for your own learning and progress. Just like when an employee eventually becomes the business owner, he tends to be more hardworking, determined and motivated. He is more inspired to succeed because it is his name at stake there.

This is just the beginning of my journey with the ADL program, and I know there will still be some doubts, challenges and sorts but I am definitely navigating this adventure with so much enthusiasm, optimism and OWNERSHIP.

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