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Why use an eportfolio?

Updated: Aug 29, 2021

e makes the DIFFERENCE”

Back in the days to meet paperwork deadlines I had to spend long hours in the library, researching, reading, writing, typing and if I am lucky have it printed. Making the library my second home paid off, I was able to graduate. As I left the dorm, beside a couple of clothes, I had piles and folders of reports, essays, book reviews, case studies, assessments, and thesis. For some time until I can hold it in the storage, I kept some hard copies, then overtime, it got dusty, old and then I just had to get rid of it. I sure had some saved on floppy disks, CDs, (oh no, am just revealing how vintage I am), external drive and such, but eventually they didn’t last. I could probably recall most of the information in there, I can most likely rewrite it somehow, but having the exact documents kept in file and retrievable anytime and even anywhere could have made a big difference now.

Now the letter “e” makes that big difference, that’s “e” for electronic. Keeping all these “valuables” in an electronic portfolio assures the author the ability to file as much information as he can, update and review existing content, share and collaborate with others, even teach and inspire future learners. An eportfolio is very accessible, it allows the author to revisit all files anytime and anywhere.

And now as I am currently learning not only how to create and maintain an eportfolio, I have also utilized it as a way to reflect on my learning, which according to one of the articles is the best way to learn, reflecting on my experiences.

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