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Overflowing.... A Bucket-Full of Learning (EDLD 5302 Compilation Post)

As I continue my journey with the Applied Digital Learning program, the discovery of new lessons and approaches to learning overflows. EDLD 5302 focuses on Concepts of Educational Technology, specifically applying the COVA approach (Choice, Ownership, Voice through Authentic learning experiences) to advocate change in my organization. I can be a catalyst for change beginning with my Innovation Plan. This proposal for a Blended Learning environment within our primary classes (PreK-2nd), including our Special classes (Art, Music, Gym, Library) will utilize technology as the driving force for change. But the availability and use of technology will only serve as the engine, but what can fuel the engine to start? How can you ignite an idle system to go and move? The answer… have a Growth Mindset! Learning more about the 4-Way Process to have Growth Mindset, my perception of what it really means to have a growth mindset changed. It became clear to me that it’s never too late to have a change of mind and even a change of heart. As growth is synonymous to improvement and progress, what is there not to like about having a growth mindset. Our mind is so powerful that Napoleon Hill once said “Whatever Your Mind Can Conceive and Believe, It Can Achieve.” This quote inspired me when I wrote I my blog post on “The what, the how, or the why when it comes to learning and pursuing life goals.” Reading it again makes me feel revitalized. It gave me the motivation to keep on pursuing my ADL journey with so much optimism and dedication.

I am continuously developing my Innovation Plan and I still continue to experience some setbacks every now and again, but one thing that is certain, I now have a better understanding that in life, failure does not equate to hopelessness, rather, it only means that there is room for change and growth, so better keep going. This now relates to my Learning Manifesto 2.0 where I was able to reevaluate my mission, vision, philosophy not only as an educator but as a learner too. Creating the manifesto gave me the opportunity to rediscover my passion in life. I refreshed my memory, learning so much from my past that has shaped my present now. But what lies ahead, the future, is what excites me the most. I can’t wait to see the wonders that tomorrow brings, especially in our educational system. I am witnessing the great inventions of today that will impact the future. This manifesto also has made me realize that I have truly learned from other influences around me and available to me. Aside from personal experience and self-discovery, the access to various educational learning networks has been instrumental for me to stay afloat with current trends in teaching and learning. It has also opened opportunities for me to meet educators and other professionals all over the world. I not only have learning communities, but most importantly we have built a strong and dependable support system. It is always good to feel that you belong, it builds your morale and gives you the chance to serve.

All these new beginnings and wonderful discoveries are documented in my eportfolio which encapsulates what I have learned so far. I am proud to say that since I started developing this site, I have been applying the COVA that whoever visits this site will feel like we have already met. This course has definitely molded me to not only focus on the technology aspect of innovation, more so, it has also captured the essential factor of cultivating a growth mindset, fostering a passionate learner in you so that you can inspire by being the change you want to see in the world.


Chan, P., Graham-Day, K. J., Ressa, V. A., Peters, M. T., & Konrad, M. (2014). Beyond involvement: promoting student ownership

of learning in the classroom. Intervention in School and Clinic; 50(2):105 113

Dweck, C. (2020, December 2). Carol Dweck revisits the “growth mindset” (opinion)

Jeffrey,S. (2020, June 23).Change your fixed mindset into a growth mindset. (complete guide).

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